
Friday 29 September 2023

10 Things About Cobra Kai That Make Absolutely No Sense

There's a lot about Cobra Kai that doesn't make sense, but its larger-than-life plot and karate chaos are part of what makes Johnny's story so fun.

There's a lot to love about Cobra Kai, but it's hard to deny that a great deal of the plot makes very little sense. Of course, the Netflix series has managed five successful seasons, with the sixth and final in the works, implying that audiences aren't too bothered by the continuity issues. The series doesn't try too hard to be any more than what it is—an outrageous comedy full of 1980s-style action and nostalgia. Part of the charm of Cobra Kai is the aspects that don't quite add up, and there are certainly plenty of them.

Cobra Kai's silliness got its start back in The Karate Kid, where Daniel LaRusso gained the skill to become the All-Valley champion in an impossibly short amount of time. What's more, Kreese never faced consequences for his abuse against Johnny Lawrence and the other Cobra Kai students, and Mr. Miyagi never faced any legal difficulties for beating up a bunch of high school students. Of course, these things were overlooked, and the Karate Kid movies are regarded as classics. Now, as of the end of Cobra Kai season 5, the Netflix series has proven it can be just as beloved, with even less consideration for what makes sense in the real world.

Cobra Kai's Karate Fights Very Rarely Attract The Police

Cobra Kai is packed full of great fight scenes, and this is a big part of why audiences tune in. Still, with teenagers and adults beating each other bloody so often, it seems like the police would get involved far more than they do. Sure, the fight at the school in season 2 saw the teachers dial 911 (though not as fast as they probably should have), and Terry Silver was arrested at the end of season 5. However, Cobra Kai has followed in The Karate Kid's footsteps by keeping police predominantly out of the equation.

How Cobra Kai's New Fighters Get So Good So Quickly

It took Daniel no time at all to become a black-belt-worthy fighter in The Karate Kid, and the same can be said for nearly all the students in Cobra Kai. The only teen character trained since childhood was Sam LaRusso, yet everyone else was at her level by the end of season 1. Since karate takes years to master, and the majority never achieve the skill seen in characters like Robby, Miguel, Kenny, and Tory, this is a little too hard to believe. Of course, if the characters had to work for years before they could have a good fight, Cobra Kai would be a lot less fun.

Why So Many Parents Let Johnny Lawrence Put Their Kids In Danger

Some of the best moments in Cobra Kai are those in which Johnny Lawrence uses his unique teaching techniques to torture his class. His students have been punched repeatedly in the face and ordered to jump off buildings—not to mention insulted with every derogatory remark in the books. If Johnny were teaching at a real-world karate dojo, at the least, he would see the majority of his students be pulled out by their parents. At the worst, the Cobra Kai sensei would be facing a slew of lawsuits.

Kreese Faked His Death With Nothing But Jell-O

Just when it looked like John Kreese would achieve redemption, he wound up stabbed to death by one of his prison inmates in Cobra Kai season 5. However, in a big twist ending, it was revealed that Kreese was still alive. He had only faked his death by smearing red Jello-O over himself. This requires a lot of grace to swallow. For the old Karate Kid villain to have achieved this, he would have to have known that no one in the prison would look at his wound. Surely, the corrections officers would have at least tried to put pressure on the non-existent wound and question why Kreese smelled like strawberry as he lay dying.

Why Tory Is Allowed To Care For Her Younger Brother

After the massive school fight in Cobra Kai season 2, Tory managed to avoid jail time since she was the sole provider of her household. Though this allowed her to work toward redemption, it seems a little strange that a legal adult who walked into a high school and assaulted a student would be allowed to keep custody of her younger brother or care for her ill mother. It was great that the judge was kind enough to give her a chance, but this seems like a little too much of a stretch—especially considering, for a while, Tory went right back to her toxic sensei in Cobra Kai.

Character Injuries In Cobra Kai Heal Way Too Fast

It was touching to see Johnny work to get Miguel back on his feet, and it was miraculous that the boy managed to push through and get back to fighting in tournaments. However, considering the kind of injury that Miguel had received, his journey toward healing might have been a little too easy. He isn't the only one either—Demetri's arm was broken after a Cobra Kai attack, and he managed to bounce back better than ever. Then, there are all those injuries the students received while training under Sensei Kim. Pain may not exist in Cobra Kai dojo, but this takes it too far.

The Legal Ownership Of The Cobra Kai Dojo Is Ridiculous

At the start of Cobra Kai, Johnny decided to restart John Kreese's old dojo from the ground up. It took a lot of work, but he eventually managed to run a successful business. Unfortunately for him, Kreese returned and stole it right out from under him. This may have taken the plot in an exciting direction, but stealing someone's business shouldn't have been that easy. To make matters worse, Terry Silver did the same thing to Kreese (though at least his wealth and influence might have provided an answer here). Going into Cobra Kai season 6, it's difficult to say where the dojo's legal ownership lies.

Why Terry Silver Was The Only One Arrested In Season 5

Cobra Kai season 5 had a happy ending since Terry Silver's legal deceptions were revealed, and he was taken away to prison. However, considering Johnny, Chozen, and Mike had broken into and destroyed Silver's home, it seems that they would have faced legal consequences as well. The villainous leader of Cobra Kai dojo being a criminal didn't change the fact that breaking and entering is a pretty big deal. Additionally, though Daniel's victory over Silver was satisfying, it easily could have been considered assault.

The Never-Ending Wealth Of Daniel LaRusso

Part of the ironic comedy of Cobra Kai was the way Johnny and Daniel's circumstances had switched since their teenage years. Mr. Miyagi's pupil had gone from being a poor kid from New Jersey to a massively successful car dealership owner, and Johnny fell from being the it boy of the Valley to a relative low life. This was good fun for several seasons, but as Daniel's resources became inexhaustible, it became difficult to believe. No matter how much of his property is destroyed or how many misfortunes fell on his family, he always had enough cash to throw at the problem—very few people are that rich.

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